Page 312 - CFESA 2017 Membership Directory
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same brand as its voting member company shall be eligible for membership as a Branch
member of this association. Branch Members shall have no voting rights at general session’s
meetings, but may attend general session meetings. Branch Members may also be eligible for
appointment to committees as a member and/or a co-chair, with the right to vote within the
committee, and shall have such other rights and privileges as may be designated by the Board
of Directors.
(Revised May 2002)
(C) Associate Members - Any firm, partnership or corporation actively engaged in the
business of manufacturing commercial foodservice equipment shall be eligible for
membership as an Associate Member of this association.
(D) Affiliate Members - Any firm, partnership or corporation actively engaged in the
business of selling commercial foodservice equipment or interested in promoting quality
service shall be eligible for membership as an Affiliate Member of this association. (Revised
October 2015)
(E) Honorary Members - Any person, who may or may not be active in the foodservice
industry, from an active CFESA Voting Member firm in good standing at the time of the
nomination and who has rendered outstanding service to the Association by having faithfully
served as an officer, director or committee chair to better our Association, shall be eligible for
membership as an Honorary Member. A lifetime Honorary Member is invited to attend any
and all Association functions without charge. Honorary Members shall have no voting rights
at general session meetings, unless having been designated as the representative for a Voting
Member. Honorary Members may also be eligible for appointment to committees as a
member and/or co-chair, with the right to vote within the committee, and shall have such
other rights and privileges as may be designated by the Board of Directors. Nominations for
Honorary Membership must be submitted, 60 days prior to an annual Board of Director’s
meeting. The nominee must have an approval of two thirds (²�₃) of the Board of Directors.
This vote will be by closed ballot. (Revised May 2002)
Branch Members, Associate Members, Affiliate Members, and Honorary Members shall
have no voting rights, but their representatives shall be entitled to attend general session
meetings, shall be eligible for appointment to committees, including the chairmanship there
of, and may vote at committee meetings, and shall have such other rights and privileges as
may be designated by the Board of Directors, except the right to hold office or to serve as a
director. Representatives of Branch Members shall be entitled to attend meetings of the
Voting Members.
Section 2: Voting
Each Voting Member shall appoint and certify to the Secretary of the association a person to
be its representative in the association and who shall represent, vote and act for the member
in all affairs of the association. Each Voting Member shall be entitled to one (1) vote. If more
than one firm, partnership or corporation, are under common control, they shall be
considered collectively as one (1) Voting Member. “Common control” means that more than
50 percent of each such firm, partnership or corporation is owned by the same person,
persons, or entity (Revised October 2015)