Page 309 - CFESA 2017 Membership Directory
P. 309
Elwood Hawkins Memorial Award
The Elwood Hawkins Memorial Award is given to a nonvoting member of CFESA
who has proven to be a promoter and advocate of our association. The recipient
has taken an active role in CFESA’s committees and projects and has been a
liaison between our association and their own, always striving to improve the
industry. A lifetime recipient is invited to attend any and all association functions
free of charge. Nominations for the Elwood Hawkins Memorial Award must be
submitted in writing, by a member of the Board of Directors, stating the reasons
for the submission. The nominee must have an approval of two-thirds (��₃) of the
Board of Directors. This vote will be by secret ballot.
In dedication to the memory of Elwood Hawkins, the members of the Commercial
Food Equipment Service Association recognize the following individuals for their
dedication and friendship to the association:
Honorary Members
Any person who may or may not be active in the foodservice industry, from an
active CFESA Voting Member firm in good standing at the time of the nomination,
and has rendered outstanding service to the Association by having faithfully
served as an officer, director or committee chair to better our Association, shall
be eligible for membership as an Honorary Member. The following individuals
were selected to this category by the Board of Directors.
Homer Allen JG Hudgins, CSE
George T Baggott Frederick Krueger
Robert Barasch George (Tom) McLeod, Sr
CB Boeckman Gene Martin
Robert Bradford, CFSP Roger Martin
Frank Burns, CFSP Walter Novak
Peter Di Pirro Pat Patrick
William T Eichenauer, CFSP Phillip Schoenburger
Donald R Ewen Elmer Schultz
James Forbes Irene Sykes
Walter H Graham, CSE Nathan Uretsky
John Guettler Joe Pierce
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