Page 319 - CFESA 2017 Membership Directory
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positions to the Board of Directors, from individuals recommended by the Board Development
Committee. (Revised October 2011)
Article IX - Annual Election
Section 1
Prior to the Spring Annual Meeting, the Chair of the Nominating Committee will request and
accept any nominees from the Voting Membership. At the Spring Annual Meeting, the Chair
will present the slate of officers and directors, previously reviewed and nominated by the
Nominating Committee, for each vacancy, and the terms for each. Each nominee will have
previously given his consent prior to the presentation by the Nominating Committee.
(Revised May 2002)
Section 2
Election of officers and directors shall be by separate ballot and in order of President, Vice
Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer and Directors. All nominees must be members in good
standing and no single member company shall hold more than one (1) elected office. The
Secretary shall call the roll of eligible voters and tabulate the total number eligible and
present. All nominees must receive a majority of votes of the eligible voters present at the
time of election. Voting shall be by written or electronic secret ballot, except when there is
but one (1) nominee for an office, in which case a voice vote may be taken. (Revised
February 2014)
Article X - Voting Procedure
Section 1
At the time of election, the Nominating Committee will present two (2) candidates for the
office of President. The eligible voters present at the time of election will be asked to choose
one individual for the office of President. The individual receiving the highest number of votes
will be named President. The remaining nominee, if eligible, will be entered into consideration
for Vice President with a maximum of two other nominees. The eligible voters present at the
time of the election will be asked to choose two (2) individuals for the office of Vice President.
The two (2) candidates with the highest vote totals will be named Vice Presidents. The election
of Secretary and Treasurer will follow. Voting for the Directors shall be as follows: the
nominating committee chairman will announce the number of vacancies and the terms of
each. The (2) year terms will be voted on first. Each delegate will vote for the exact number
of candidates for the terms to be filled. Voting for more or less voids the ballot. The candidates
receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. In case of a tie, a runoff ballot
will be taken. If there is a one (1) year term to be filled, all remaining candidates will be eligible.
The same voting procedure will be followed.
(Revised February 2014)